Our Values

  • Early Years education is of value in itself. It offers children unique opportunities that are appropriate to this stage of their life.
  • Parents are children’s primary educators and partnership work is essential.
  • The experiences offered at South Moreton Pre-School provide a sound foundation that will enable the children to take advantage of future educational opportunities.
  • Each child is unique and should be valued and respected as such.
  • Young children learn from everything that happens to them and they do not compartmentalise their learning.
  • The process of learning is as important as the end result.
  • The relationships that children develop with each other and the adults in the pre-school environment directly affects their access to all areas of the curriculum.
  • Children’s ethnic, faith and cultural heritage is valued and respected.
  • Children’s learning is best fostered in an environment that builds on individual children’s strengths.

British Values Statement

British Values are defined as the following:

  • Democracy: making decisions together
  • Rule of Law: understanding that rules matter
  • Individual liberty: freedom for all
  • Mutual respect and tolerance: treat others as you want to be treated

At South Moreton Pre-School our curriculum is based on the most up to date ‘Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage’

The young children who we work with are starting to develop their understanding of these values through a wide range of different teaching and learning experiences across the curriculum at pre-school, particularly in the following areas of learning; Personal Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Understanding of the World.

As we observe children’s learning we also note the dispositions and attitudes that they are developing as they start to negotiate, problem solve and make connections in their learning and experiences. These are described as the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’.

We aim to develop happy, considerate and self-confident children and to inspire them to discover that learning is fascinating, meaningful and fun.

We work to achieve this by:

  • Providing a welcoming, happy and safe place where there is time for laughter and joy in learning together.
  • Providing high quality education and care based on our professional knowledge of how young children learn, where children are encouraged to explore a well-planned, imaginative, stimulating and challenging environment both indoors and outside.
  • Encouraging and supporting children to develop a positive self-image and attitude to learning so that they can achieve their best socially, creatively, intellectually and physically.
  • Forming a close partnership with parents and carers, who we value as children’s first and most enduring educators.
  • Valuing each child and respecting their family and background, thus engendering mutual respect and understanding.
  • Providing opportunities for children to learn through self-chosen, independent and supported play, taken at their own pace.
  • Encouraging children to solve problems and become independent thinkers.
  • Creating a safe and encouraging environment where it is accepted that powerful learning often involves making mistakes.
  • Being articulate advocates for pre-school and promoting the importance of high quality Foundation Stage education.
  • Celebrating, supporting and providing the high quality, positive and enthusiastic staff team.
  • Supporting the on-going development of the staff’s professional knowledge, understanding and practice.